
The 3rd edition of the Mexico's Automotive Innovation Network Forum will address critical technology challenges that the global automotive industry will face by 2030

The structure of the program is based on technology frontiers originated as a need to comply with issued emissions and fuel economy regulations and the auto industry revolution driven by the need to create the next generation of human mobilty with advanced driver assistance systems, smart subsystems and componentes, fully autonomous driving capabilities, shared transportation services and zero emission power systems.

​Also, as we sprint into the age of data and connectivity, factories and manufacturing processes are going through a major reconfiguration. Industry 4.0 is a revolution and a time in history that needs to be well understood and assimilated to take action immediatly, so you can expect to learn practical applications from strategy all the way down to technologies, including additive manufacturing, IoT, data science, artificial intelligence, simulation/digital twins, and VR/AR/MR.   

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