
The REINA PLUS Steering Committee Meetings among participants will be organised in rotation following the countries of the partners involved to facilitate intra-project communications every six months. After the Kick Off meeting in Brussels ( 29/01/2016 ), the second metting will be held in Bilbao on the 8th-9th June 2016.

The agenda  of the meeting will include: 

  • 8 JUNE: REINA PLUS work day.
  • 9 JUNE: Technical visits to installations and meeting with Basque companies (focusing on smartgrids, integration of renewables, energy storage and EV)
  • Bidelek Sareak Showroom: Bidelek Sareak is a joint initiative coordinated by IBERDROLA Distribución Eléctrica and the Basque Government and involves 13 electric companies and equipment manufacturers to comprehensively renovate the electricity grid in the metropolitan area of Bilbao. BIDELEK SAREAK has set up an exhibition area containing part of the real and operative equipment used. 
  • inGRID Smartgrids advanced experimental infrastructure: TECNALIA's new experimental infrastructure for Smart Grids is designed and oriented to meet the needs of electrical equipment manufacturers and utilities in the specification, development, validation and commercialisation of innovative products for the Smart Grids market.
  • Tecnology Center of ORMAZABAL (CIT): Visit the HPL: High power laboratory and the UDEX: Real-time network experimentation unit.