BUILD RESILIENCE: Initiate cross-sectoral
Enterprise Estonia (EAS)
In Estonia, clusters and joint activities are supported at the national level within the framework of three Enterprise Estonia (EAS) programmes: the first for the development of technological development centres, the second for cluster development and the third for competence centres. The goal of...
Resilience, Green and Digital Transition in Flanders
EU4Moldova: Focal Regions Programme (Nov.2019-Nov.2024)
The Program is financed by the EU and implemented by UNDP Moldova and it is focused on strengthening the economic, territorial and social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova through facilitating inclusive, sustainable and integrated local socio-economic growth and improving the standards of living...
Platform that offers business tools, valuable content, events and programs aimed at developing and strengthening the capabilities and skills, both business and digital, of entrepreneurs and SMEs.
The Cluster Mapping Project
The Cluster Mapping Project is a national initiative that provides over 50 million open data records on industry clusters and regional business environments in the US to promote economic growth and national competitiveness. The US Cluster Mapping Project aggregates all the US clusters, providing...
Ukrainian Clusters Portal - Ucluster
Ucluster connects Ukrainian regional clusters of entrepreneurs, academia and local authorities. Ukrainian startup founders and cluster participant are provided with news on startups and regional clusters both in Ukraine and abroad, and events are organised to bring the Ukrainian cluster community...
Eureka clusters fund international industrial cooperation
The main objective of Vinnova, Swedish innovation agency, is to help building Sweden’s innovation capacity, contributing to sustainable growth. The organisation works together with a number of actors, including cluster organisations, to create opportunities and incentives to work together and to...
Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID)
Hosted by Korea's Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund, and the World Bank Group, the 2-day annual event brings together leading public authorities, academics, and industry representatives to build and share knowlegde and promote domestic and international networking...
Business Incubator Network of Moldova
The Business Incubators support the start ups in terms of logistics and consultancy support. Meanwhile, they represent the nucleus of cluster development in the R of Moldova (e.g. Sorintex, in the field of textiles, which management is located in the Business Incubator of Soroca and Cahul Creative...
Cluster Programme
This measures aims to foster the creation of clusters in order to encourage a common cooperation network and operates in interconnected sectors, economic niche, product or service group or value chain or region. As a result of the selection of project applications, 14 clusters - 8 sectoral and 6...
Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP)
The MSE-CDP aims to support the development of clusters of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The programme develops measures for capacity building, skill development, technology upgradation of enterprises, improved credit delivery, marketing support, setting up of common facility centres...
Cluster Observatory
The Cluster Observatory is a NGO run by the Foundation for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises Clusters (FMC), established in 2005. The objective of the Cluster Observatory is to: provide comprehensive online database about clusters in India; bridge the information gap ad cater to the needs of...