BUILD RESILIENCE: Reinforce activities to develop a strategic approach to international cluster collaboration

Policy toolkit item

Boston Korea Project

The South Korean government has unveiled its plan to invest a total of 2.2 trillion won (USD 1.65 billion) in creating industrial clusters focused on advanced technologies. The investment spans over the next five years and aims to establish specialized geographical zones dedicated to supporting...

Policy toolkit item

Resilience, Green and Digital Transition in Flanders

The Flanders' FOOD cluster has established itself as a key-actor within the regional industrial ecosystem. Since 2005, Flanders' FOOD brings together all the actors within the agri-food system and focuses on cross-sectoral and international cooperation. As one of seven spearhead clusters in the...
Policy toolkit item

Informatics Sector HISER Project

The HİSER project was launched in 2022 and modelled after UR-GE, and aiming to support exports in the IT sector. It requires the membership in a cooperation organisation with at least 10 member companies through which activities have to be organised. Activities can be supported for up to 3 years and...

Policy toolkit item

UR-GE (International Competitiveness Development Support)

The UR-GE project, initiated in 2010, supports the clustering of exporting companies in the manufacturing sector. It requires at least 10 companies to come together under a Collaboration Organisation and provides a package of services including needs analysis, training and consultancy activities...

Policy toolkit item

GCE - Global Centres of Expertise

Global Centres of Expertise (GCE) is the third of three levels of the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme. Established in 2014, is aimed at mature clusters that already have systematic cooperation in strategic areas, both within the cluster, but also internationally with R&D institutions and...

Policy toolkit item

Industry4Ukraine - Platform of industrial and hightech sectors

The platform of industrial and hightech sectors Industry4Ukraine was created to develop modern industry as the basis of the Ukrainian economy. In 2020, three committees of the platform started their work: - the Cluster Committee; - Committee for Smart specialisation of Regions; - Committee for...

Policy toolkit item

Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID)

Hosted by Korea's Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund, and the World Bank Group, the 2-day annual event brings together leading public authorities, academics, and industry representatives to build and share knowlegde and promote domestic and international networking...

Policy toolkit item

Innovation in the Green Industry under 'Green New Deal'

The Korean New Deal comprises three key strategies - the Green New Deal, Digital New Deal, and Stronger Safety Net. The Korean government implements various projects/measures under the Green New Deal, one of which is 'Innovation in the Green Industry' which aims to 1) promote prospective businesses...

Policy toolkit item

Tokyo 'Beyond-Zero' Week

Tokyo “Beyond-Zero” Week features six leading international conferences organised and hosted by Japan (ICEF2020, RD20, TCFD summit 2020, LNG Producer-Consumer Conference 2020, International Conference on Carbon Recycling 2020, Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting 2020). Each conference offers a forum...

Policy toolkit item

Global Zero Emission Research Center

The Global Zero Emission Research Center was established by the National Instititue of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), an independent government agency under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in 2020. The research center conducts joint studies with research institutes...

Policy toolkit item

Support programme for the internationalisation of clusters and networks

The cluster internationalisation support programme of Baden-Württemberg offers clusters funding for their internationalisation activities with the ultimate goal to strengthen the innovation capacity and competitiveness of clusters and close gaps in and integrate their international value chains...

Policy toolkit item

Global Digital Economy Industry Conference 2021

The Global Digital Economy Industry Conference 2021 is going to hold in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center in September 2021. With the theme 'Focus on Digital Economy, Empowering future life', the Expo will bring together new generation technologies, such as big data, cloud computing...