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WELCOME TO EUROPE’S LARGEST ACCELERATION PROGRAMME FOR CLEAN MOBILITY STARTUPS!European startups in clean mobility: this is YOUR MOMENT to shine! The European Startup Prize for Mobility brings
The EU Industry Days are Europe’s flagship annual event focussing on key industrial policy discussions, connecting industrial frontrunners, and boosting the knowledge base of European industry. The
Community News
The European Commission “Crisis Management and Governance in Tourism” project, funded by the Single Market Programme, aimed at strengthening the EU tourism ecosystem resilience by improving its
Community News
The European Commission is soon launching a quarterly newsletter targeting EU technology centres, SMEs looking to bring their innovations to market or to adopt new technologies, investors, and
Community News
The BRIDGESMEs project has launched a Catalogue to feature the companies selected in its Open Calls. Currently highlighting tech-savvy SMEs and their advanced solutions in automation, AI, and IoT, the Catalogue will soon include pilot SMEs. This platform promotes collaboration, innovation, and the transition to Industry 5.0, with featured companies participating in activities like hackathons, matchmaking events, and training sessions.
Members of Cluster Organisation
The RESIST ( REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry ) – Euroclusters projectExplanation of the call and its objectivesThe goal of the RESIST
Community Event
Attend the webinar organised by RESIST Eurocluster in collaboration with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Canada. Here European SMEs interested in internationalisation opportunities in Canada will
The POLREC project is a collaborative project between 5 European clusters : Polymeris (coordinator), CENTIMFE, Cluster Mav, PCD/DMN and WFG. It started on the 1st of September 2022 and will end on the
Circular Economy Plastics Processing, Plastic
Community News
We are pleased to announce that we have taken honorary patronage of the Axon Media Technical Conferences. In 2025, Axon Media, a leader in organizing events dedicated to technical and managerial
Community News
Tèxtils.CAT, the Catalan cluster of advanced textile materials, participated last December in the kick-off of a new project called In4Sustain in Rome, Italy.  The cluster is supporting its member