

Low Carbon and Circular Economy Business Action in the Americas

What is the Low Carbon and Circular Economy Business Action in the Americas about? Objective: Help European businesses gain market access for their green technologies and services in the Americas Concretely, the aim is to support with technical assistance more than 230 business concepts between...

TTS conference in Chile on biotechnologies

The TTS Global Initiative was founded in 2007 to bring together the stakeholders of the early stages of biotechnology and healthcare sectors. The primary objective of the initiative is to support innovation by fostering technology transfer. The initiative is organising its third congress in Latin...

EARSC & Eurochile join forces to promote Earth observation products & services within the framework of the Copernicus programme

The European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) and the Eurochile Business Foundation, on Friday 18th of May 2018 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), establishing a formal cooperation initiative between EARSC, responsible for promoting the use of Earth Observation (EO)...

9th TCI Latin American Cluster Conference “Competitiveness, clusters and smart specialization” Temuco, Chile, 14-17 June 2016

This year's TCI Latin American Cluster Conference gathered 200 cluster and competitiveness professionals from 14 countries in Latin America, Europe and North America. Under the main theme of “Competitiveness Policies, Clusters and Smart Specialization”, participants shared their knowledge and...