Cluster Policy


Colombia analysis by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform is available

The preparatory briefing analysis report on Colombia prepared by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, is available! This report is the result of the collection of relevant cluster information in the country, including business and sector trends, cluster policies and programmes, as well as a...

Evolution of cluster policy in Hungary - 2000-2020

I. The beginnings The history of clusters starts at the beginning of the early 2000s. Hungary was the first country in the Central and Eastern European region, where national government supported the development of corporate cooperation and clusters. The first cluster in the Central and Eastern...

Celebrating 25 years of Cluster Policy in Catalonia

On June 8th, Catalonia celebrated its 25th anniversary on cluster policy in an event hosted by Mr. Carles Puigdemont, President of the Government of Catalonia. The ceremony gathered cluster managers, companies, technology centres, universities and associations part of the cluster ecosystem as well...

RSRS paper on the Basque cluster policy

The Regional Studies Association open access Journal, Region Studies, Regional Science, has published a recent paper on "Basque Country cluster policy: the road of 25 years" written by Anastasiia Konstantynova, researcher at Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness. The paper looks at how...

CLUSTERS3 - Call for Peer Reviewers

In the framework of the Interreg Europe project CLUSTERS3 "Leveraging Cluster Policies for successful implementation of RIS3", TCI is looking for best offers from experts in the field of cluster policy and smart specialization (reviewers) to carry out peer review exercises. They will be organized...

The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platforms to support cooperation for cluster policy development

The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platforms – launched in Brussels during the European Week of regions and Cities - form the second pillar of initiatives under the Interreg Europe Programme, alongside the interregional cooperation projects. They offer a space for continuous learning where any...

The European Cluster Strategy for Growth presented at the TCI2016 Global Conference

At the 19th TCI conference organized between 8-10 November 2016 in Eindhoven/NL more than 500 participants from more than 40 countries gathered to discuss and learn about the latest developments in cluster policy and cluster management, about the trends and challenges lying ahead. Themes like...

The Smart Guide to Cluster Policy is published

The Smart Guide to Cluster Policy is a new tool for policy-makers and practitioners to support industrial modernisation, SME growth and smart specialisation. The Guide was presented at the Smart Regions conference on 2 June 2016, and is the latest publication in the series of Guidebooks on...