
Community News

ELBE Alliance organises a second European networking event to foster the collaboration among floating offshore wind energy companies in France

ELBE Alliance was one of the sponsors of the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Conference 2021 (FOWT 2021) that was celebrated in Saint-Malo, Bretagne, France from the 16th to the 18th of November. ELBE Alliance organised a Networking breakfast the second day of the event and managed the organisation...
Community News

"Partnerships for Horizon Europe: mobility, climate and energy projects" event: 21-22 July 2021

The SmartCommunitiesTech cluster, Basque Mobility and Logistics Cluster, MLC ITS Euskadi, Romanian Cluster Association - CLUSTERO, and NEXTMOVE are organising together the Partnerships for Horizon Europe: mobility, climate and energy projects event, which will be held 20, 21 and 22 of July. The...

FRANCE: New categories of masks for non-sanitary use

The French government and the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM), with the support of the National French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), have defined two new categories of masks for non-sanitary use: 1. Individual filter...

The official launch of “France Water Team”

The three French water clusters, AQUA-VALLEY, DREAM and HYDREOS gathered to create their federation France Water Team (FWT). FWT, based in Montpellier, represents a network of more than 500 active members among economic, research, academic, and public water-related actors. FWT also promotes the...

The 2017 edition of French Clusters Guide is finally online

The Guide, published by France Clusters and updated every year, is an essential working tool to get access to the French clusters. What’s for? Find all the basic information about the French clusters: contact details, activities, partners, target markets and projects Discover the views of public...

France Clusters encourages cluster internationalisation

France Clusters shares the experience and good practices of the French clusters and encourages cluster internationalisation and international interclustering. Learn more about French success stories in the extensive press release developed by France Clusters and published in October 2016 (in French)...