
Community News

SmartCommunities Conference 2022 - 10/06/2022: Call4Speakers is OPEN!

The SmartCommunities Conference is the Italian event dedicated to the promotion of the best innovation solutions for more resilient and intelligent communities. On its second edition it will be focused on the topic Future and Sustainable Communities, and will present solutions, project and ideas...
Community News

"Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart cities & communities projects" event: 12-22 April 2022

The SmartCommunitiesTech cluster, Cap Digital Paris Region, Clúster Digital de Catalunya, Romanian Cluster Association - CLUSTERO, and Smart Innovation Norway (with the two clusters NCE Smart Energy Markets and Cluster for Applied AI) are organising together the Partnerships for Horizon Europe...

The Third call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme is open!

Deadline: Friday 8th March at 14:00 h With an available budget of approx. 60M EUR (ERDF, IPA, and ENI funds) and a co-financing rate of 85%, the Third call for proposals will be open to the Specific Objectives 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2 and 4.1 and restricted to some topics for the other Specific Objectves...