Material efficiency
Support programme
Environmental performance in Brittany
The Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Brittany and the Ademe have set up a multi-dimensional programme to improve companies' environmental management. Five key areas are adressed: energy efficiency, waste efficiency, circular economy, eco-design and eco-innovation. Companies can contact...
Support programme
CD2Pro - Sustainable Competitiveness Product Process in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
The Sustainable Competitiveness Product Process (CD2Pro) programme assists companies in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in their environmental management projects by mobilising the services of technological experts. The programme focuses on: Decreasing resource consumption (materials, energy, etc.)...
Support programme
CD2E - Creation Development of Eco-Enterprise in Haut-de-France
The Creation Development of Eco-Enterprise is one of the largest clusters in France and Europe to work on eco-technologies, bringing together around 250 members (companies, research centres, entrepreneurs, public institutions, etc.) in the Haut-de-France region. It has developed tools and actions to...
Support programme
Ecodesign database
Ademe has identified useful information for any company wishing to embark on an ecodesign approach. The ecodesign directory, in Excel format and distributed free of charge on request, provides easy access to key resources identified in this area. It offers: Contacts of suitable professionals for...
Support programme
PIA - Investment for the future plan
The PIA (Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir) is an industrial policy tool that acts as a catalyst for green growth. It finances innovative projects of all sizes to bring out or develop the industrial sectors of tomorrow. The programme covers a wide range of thematic areas: renewable energy (marine...
Support programme
Ademe - material efficiency and waste reduction guide
This short guide explains the concept of material efficiency and how SMEs can benefit from it, including links to Ademe resources, good practices, support programmes, information sources, etc. Ademe supports companies wishing to act with tools and financing adapted to their needs, as well as through...
Support programme
Best practice database
On-line database of successful resource efficiency projects carried out in manufacturing companies in Germany. It enables user to filter the best practices according to the region, industry branch, resources (energy, water, materials) and areas (production process, product design, monitoring...
Best practices
Voluntary material efficiency commitment in the food industry
In the food industry, raw materials account for about 45 % of net sales. The cost of purchasing goods sold in the grocery trade is more than 70 % of turnover. Therefore, measures to improve material efficiency are a major competitive factor enabling a company to achieve significant savings. In small...
Best practices
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
Condition Based Maintenance service (CBM) is based on the remote monitoring of key parameters and operational data to predict the state of equipment. A custom-made report is provided to the customer including, for example, engine health overview, equipment diagnostics, trending and predictions...
Best practices
Maximising recovery rate in woodworking industry
Raw material costs in woodworking industry are significant: they form approximately 70-80 % of the total production costs of sawn wood and more than 50 % of the production costs of more downstream products such as wood panels. Significant material loss results from sawing processes, as well as...
Best practices
Plastic part manufacturer cuts material losses by half with Lean management
A big step in the right direction Plastep implemented Lean methodology in their entire production Lean has helped them engage personnel and continuously improve their processes As a result, material losses were cut by 50 % Plastep is a producer of plastic parts for appliances and machines. The...
Best practices
Digitalised one-piece-flow manufacturing
The wonders of digital production Digitalisation and product key saves material and energy costs Good example of 'just-in-time' manufacturing and customised production using digital solutions Schmalz, a mid-sized mechanical engineering company in southern Germany, has a simple ethos: only use and...