new value chains


Extension of the deadline for the INNOSUP-01-2018-2020 call for proposals for cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the deadline for the INNOSUP-01-2018-2020 call for proposals for cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains has been extended from 2 April 2020 to 15 April 2020. Please watch out for any call updates here.

The INNOSUP-01-2018-2020 call for proposals for cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains is now open!

Deadline Model: two-stage.Deadline: 15 April 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time. 2nd stage Deadline: 08 September 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time Call name: For a better innovation support to SMEs | Call ID:H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020 Opened on November 7, 2019 the INNOSUP-01-2018-2020 call for proposals for...

INNOSUP-1: providing innovation support for SMEs to develop cross-sectoral value chains

The Horizon 2020 funding programme of cluster-facilitated projects for new industrial value chains, INNOSUP-1 and the projects the funding is delivered through were outlined in a news article published today, July 8, 2019 on EASME's website. Building upon the innovation potential of SMEs and...

Save the date: Launch of the KATANA call for applications for SMEs and entrepreneurs

On 1st December 2016, KATANA, a project financed through the H2020 INNOSUP-1-2015 call "Cluster facilitated projects for new value chains", will publish a call for applications for SMEs and single entrepreneurs from the agrifood value chain (farmers, food producers, retailers, nutritionists etc.)...