Blues boosted the innovation uptake with a new spin-off company
BLUES consortium members (BNPT, ZINNAE, AV, MCICT and NP) updated and implemented new cluster strategies. The improved individual strategies are raising value and competitiveness of each cluster organisation. Therefore, our consortium put a huge emphasis on quality, sustainability and comprehensive of cluster strategies.
Nanoprogress shaped the current business model in order to secure more sustainable income and be able to profit not only from the current service offer, but also from up taking jointly developed innovative solutions to the global market. For this purpose, a spin-off company “Nanotech dynamic” was established. The new business model is called “Innovation uptake booster” (hereinafter referred also as “IUB”) and is represented in the infographics attached.
The IUB model is based on three main principles:
- Reciprocity – reciprocity is highly relevant principle for mutual win-win collaboration and the business model will respect such a principle; Nanoprogress will focus with closer attention to the entities with reciprocal mind-set where such entities will be more involved in new project proposals, joint product development and other key activities
- Transparency – each case will be highly transparent up to the level of contracts and payments; due to the participation of the Nanoprogress’ spin-off this will be possible, as Nanotech dynamics will have the jointly developed products in its offer, will make key internal contracts and clearly establish the market price
- Correctness – whenever a product will be sold, the stakeholders that were developing the solution will get financial benefit; prices and fees will be based on market standards; IPR will be fully respected
In order to secure the fulfilment of the three above-mentioned principles, the pricing policy will include all needed margins and fees of all actors involved in the commercialisation process. In case, a third company will produce the product, the price will start with the production price of the producer (production costs + margin for producer). Next important part of the price will be the fees for relevant IPR. Another part of the market price will be composed of fees for Nanoprogress and product margin for Nanotech dynamics. Final part of the market price will represent the commercial margin for sales representatives. There are may be some extra costs for specific business cases that will be accounted in the price as well. The business model is being currently implemented and it will be shaped along the way.
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a member of Nanoprogress or if you would like to know more about the Blues project.
Blues projet was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this [insert appropriate description, e.g. report, publication, conference, etc.] represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.