Blues launched Peer Learning Webinars to share knowledge between ESCP4X partnerships

Submitted by Mylène HACHE DESMONTS on 11 December 2020

Blues launched Peer Learning Webinars to share knowledge between ESCP4X partnerships

In the frame of the Blues project, the organization of Peer Learning Webinars (PLW) was scheduled to share knowledge between clusters in the way of improving the services that can be offered to SMEs.

Regarding the COVID situation and the difficulties implied in the organization of real exchanges, the Blues consortia have invited all the ESCP4X partnerships to dedicate the PLW1 to a specific knowledge sharing around the Xchange pilot implementation.

As this first meeting was very interesting and allowed the clusters to identify common actions and share ideas, a second PLW was organized on Friday 11th of December to continue the discussion and peer-learning. Next step: PLW 3 on February!

Blues projet was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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