BLUES partnership updated their individual strategies

Submitted by Mylène HACHE DESMONTS on 25 February 2021


BLUES partnership is composed of :

  • BalticNet-PlasmaTec cluster (BNPT) - Germany,
  • Asoc. Cluster para el uso eficiente del agua (ZINNAE) - Spain,
  • Pole Aqua-Valley cluster (AV) - France,
  • Mazovia Cluster ICT (MCICT) – Poland
  • Nanoprogress (NP) – Czech Republic

The main project objective is to strengthen cluster excellence management and facilitate a European partnership between blue and eco-industries clusters and their high-quality services to enhance the SME competitiveness and increase their international opportunities in the single market and beyond, by means of benchmarking, long-life learning, best practices transfer and exchanges.

We are glad to inform you that our BLUES consortium members (BNPT, ZINNAE, AV, MCICT, NP) updated and implemented new cluster strategies. All members updated their missions and visions according the current situation and produced analysis that were made. Each consortium partner developed cross-sectoral and trend analysis, value chain analysis and innovation and growth analysis. These analyses were the basis for updated strategies.

The new strategies were thoroughly discussed with wide range of actors like policy makers, SMEs and research institutions. We hope that the new way will help our members to deal with COVID-19 situation and other difficulties which they have to faced. Blues project was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.

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