BRILLIANT webinar - Li-Fi Smart Lighting Technologies - 15.09.2021 11-12 CET

Submitted by Marta Krakowiak on 10 September 2021

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BRILLIANT Consortium is glad to invite lighting professionals, companies and all interested stakeholders from connected sectors to join the new Be Brilliant Academy webinar!
Topic: Li-Fi Smart Lighting Technologies driving promising use case
Date and time: 15th September 11:00-12:00 CET
Speaker: Dominique Chiaroni (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay)
Format: Zoom webinar
Webinar content:
- Light Communication technologies
- Light Communication Alliance in a nutshell
- Use cases and associated added values of LC technologies
- Standardization status
- Integration in a 5G deployment and perspectives for 6G
- Some examples of products deployed
Registration link:

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