Consultation on Commission initiative - Enhancing the European Administrative Space (ComPAct)

Submitted by ECCP Team on 12 June 2023

Consultation on Commission initiative - Enhancing the European Administrative Space (ComPAct) (1)

The Commission is currently exploring new actions to deepen the administrative cooperation between the Member States and to enhance the European Administrative Space. The forthcoming Communication (the ComPAct) will be based on common values and the ambition for public administrations to provide the best possible services to people and businesses.


To enhance the European Administrative Space, the Commission is currently exploring actions to: 

  • Equip public administrations with tools and approaches to upskill and reskill their workforce;    
  • Facilitate the exchange of civil servants and foster administrative cooperation, with a focus on the regional and local levels; 
  • Support public administrations with the implementation of the existing and upcoming legislation linked to the Digital Decade and the implementation of artificial intelligence. 


As Member States face similar issues in adapting their public administrations to new challenges, the Commission is in a unique position to aggregate and share the national experiences and knowledge, and to work with the Member States to help them improve the quality of their policymaking and services, benefiting from the efficiency of scale and accelerated learning. The actions envisaged in the ComPAct will support the convergence of administrative practices to achieve a high quality of policies and services while keeping national specificities and looking for place-based solutions. 


The Commission has identified a set of possible actions based on its experience with national administrative reforms, the expressed needs and expectations of the Member States, and considering the available EU tools and initiatives. To ensure a broad and meaningful consultation, it is important to exchange also with the Commission’s partners on the intended rationale and approach for the ComPAct.


To this end, you are invited to a targeted consultation meeting that will take place on 20 June (11h00-13h00). The meeting will be hybrid (the link to the meeting will be provided later) at DG REFORM premises (MERO building), meeting room 955, Avenue Tervueren 41, 1040 B.


Register for this meeting here by 16 June COB.
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