ELBE Alliance organises a second European networking event to foster the collaboration among floating offshore wind energy companies in France

Submitted by Ander González on 14 December 2021


ELBE Alliance was one of the sponsors of the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Conference 2021 (FOWT 2021) that was celebrated in Saint-Malo, Bretagne, France from the 16th to the 18th of November. ELBE Alliance organised a Networking breakfast the second day of the event and managed the organisation of several B2B meetings among European companies to collaborate in the floating offshore wind sector.

ELBE Alliance continues the implementation of its international activities in ELBE+ project, in this case coordinated by the partner PMM-TVT, attracting a great range of European SMEs in the Blue Energy sector.

Since 2016, PMM-TVT organises FOWT, the world's largest event dedicated to floating offshore wind. In 2021, this annual conference gathered more than 930 (of which 850 physically) international stakeholders of the sector around technological and innovation conferences and B2B sessions.

With 2 days of plenary sessions and 1 day dedicated to "FOWT's academic sessions" and technical visits, FOWT offered an international program dedicated to the latest innovations and research in the floating offshore wind sector. It is also the privileged place for business with networking highlights (BtoB / meet the buyers, lunches, gala dinner).

A matchmaking tool was available for the whole duration of the ELBE French Networking event. It was provided by Eventtia and allowed to take B2B meetings online or physically.

There have been 494 B2B meetings among companies from ELBE Alliance. This number considers different types of collaboration among the same companies. 105 SMEs participated to the B2B meetings, either virtually or physically.

Cluster organisation
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