Euroclusters for Thriving Creative and Cultural Industries - Deadline of the call extended

Submitted by Ruta K. on 28 April 2023

at every level (3)

Good news! The CREATHRIV-EU funding initiative for the European Creative and Cultural Industries has extended its deadline to May 16th. This initiative aims to help CCIs recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and contribute to the growth of the EU by supporting cross-sectoral value chains and providing funding for SMEs. This initiative is a great opportunity for businesses in the CCIs to gain the support they need to thrive and make a difference in the twin transition to a greener and more digital future for the EU.

So, if you're an SME looking to acquire business services, travel opportunities, or implement green and digital pilot projects, don't miss out! Apply now and take advantage of the extended deadline of May 16th.

Make sure to follow CREATHRIV-EU's social media channels to stay updated on any news, updates, or information regarding the initiative.

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