EVOLUTE 2nd Peer learning workshop: Striving for Clusters Management Excellence

Submitted by Alexandra Wolf on 10 February 2023

second peer to peer workshop SOCIAL POST

On Wednesday 1st February 2023 the Evolute partnership organised an online peer to peer workshop focused on the European cluster benchmarking methodology which results in the gold, silver and bronze label.
It has been an interesting sharing experience that showed cluster managers:
• how the cluster labelling process works
• which are the critical factors to be considered when applying
• the reason why a cluster should undergo such process
In the virtual event participants had the chance to hear the experiences of two gold labelled clusters, which shared useful tips and insights on how to manage the benchmarking procedure and how this activity brings improvements not only in terms of recognition but also in reorganization and growth within the cluster.
About EVOLUTE project
The EVOLUTE project joins the forces of 6 clusters operating in the automotive and land machinery industry from Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Serbia and Spain. The aim is to elevate clusters’ management through the implementation of different activities, such as benchmarking, knowledge and expertise exchange and development of new (both individually and jointly) strategies. The objective is to help companies and their employees tackling future challenges (e.g. disruptive developments, digital & green transformation, challenges due to Covid-19) more efficiently and effectively through new offers and services.

Evolute project was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. It cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European

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