Online Workshop: Zero-emission heavy-duty waste collection vehicles

Submitted by Aleta Paulauskaite on 11 October 2022


Zero-emission heavy-duty waste collection vehicles: Market gaps and collaboration to advance innovation

27 October 2022, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)


Cities are home to over 70 % of the EU population and account for some 85 % of the Union’s GDP. In many urban areas, however, increasing demand for urban mobility has created a situation that generates severe congestion, poor air quality, noise emissions, and high levels of CO2 emissions. Waste collection vehicles are part of this ecosystem contributing to these externalities.

Innovation plays a key role in reducing emissions through increased efficiency, optimised operation, and transition to renewable energy… and zero emission vehicles are a key factor to achieve a competitive and resource-efficient urban transport system. ENTRANCE project and Big Buyers initiative organise this workshop to provide a market analysis of zero-emission waste collection vehicles to advance and uptake the innovation reducing emissions and congestion in cities.


This workshop focusses on discussing the current market gaps that prevents a wider European uptake and the collaboration to advance on innovation.

In this sense, ENTRANCE project has developed a market analysis on the available zero emission waste collection vehicles in the market and through the work of the Big Buyers initiative it has been discovered the market gaps that avoid the uptake of this vehicles and the solutions to facilitate the innovation uptakes for emissions reduction in urban areas.

Read the Market Analysis Report here.

Any stakeholder who is interested in solutions and gaps related to Heavy duty electric vehicles for waste collection is invited to partake!

Agenda of the workshop

14.00 – 14.15 | Presentation of market analysis for innovative zero-emission waste collection vehicles for urban services.

Antonio Invito, Innovation & Business Analyst at PNO Consultants

14.15 – 14.35 | Examples of implementation use cases of ZE-waste trucks in Europe (Rotterdam & Gothenburg)\

Richard Brabers; Inkoper; Gemeente Rotterdam; Peter Årnes; Strateg; Göteborgs Stad

14.35 – 14.45 | Big Buyers initiative – lessons learned and market gaps identified

Anja Katalin De Cunto, Project coordinator Big Buyers Initiative & policy advisor at Eurocitie

14.45 – 15.00 | Strategic Research Agenda BATT4EU – Batteries European Partnership Association


15.00 – 15.15 | Funding opportunities for implementing zero-emission waste collection vehicles for urban services

Jeanett Bolther, Project coordinator ENTRANCE & Senior Innovation Consultant at PNO Consultants

15.15 – 16.00 | Debate panel “Collaboration to overcome the market gaps between supply and demand to achieve zero emission waste collection”

Jeanett Bolther / Anja Katalin De Cunto (Moderators)



For more information about the ENTRANCE project, please visit the project website and ENTRANCE Free Matchmaking Platform here.

More information about the Big buyers initiative can be found on the BigBuyers | Home.

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