Quantum technologies reaching the market

Submitted by Sergio Saez on 29 April 2020

webinar quantum technology23

In the webinar “Quantum technologies reaching the market” held on April 6th, the speakers delved into the topic of the current second quantum revolution where technologies can create, manipulate and measure quantum states of matter, often through quantum effects of overlapping and interlacing.

Enrique Sánchez, Office Coordinator at Quantum Flagship (QCN) in Brussels explained the strategic value of creating “A Quantum Industry Consortium for Europe” . A project that pursues the following objectives:

  • Exchanging views on the current landscape of Quantum Technology in Europe
  • Assessing the current and future market perspectives of the QT in Europe
  • Fostering of a unified strategy for standardization of QT in Europe

Victor LopezTechnology Expert at Telefónica  explained in his speech “Integratig QKD in Telco network infrastructure” that Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is relevant to security and telecommunications because it offers a secure communication, based on the laws of physics, wich is mathematically proven to be unbreakable and immune to any classical or quantum computer attack.

Pol Forn-DíazCo-founder of Qilimanjaro and Head of the quantum hardware team presented his company as one of the few European companies in quantum compunting, the only one based on anneling. In his speech “Qilimanjaro: Quantum Computing services” explained the Qilimanjaro model based in 3 independent branches: hardware, software, services; and specified the power of quantum annealers (algorithms), that can we used in Finance/Optimization (navigation, scheduling, asset value optimization), AI/ML (trained neural networks for quantum processors more efficiently than gradient descend methods) and Biochemistry (study of complex molecules for drug design, more efficient batteries, fertilizers, new gases for capture of greenhouse gases).

Carlos Abellán, Co-founder & CEO at Quside  an spinoff of ICFO (also member at secpho)pointed out in his speech “Bringing quantum entropy to cybersecurity and computation” that quantum computers will be able to break out our today locks and, thus new ones may be needed like:

  • Post-quantum cryptography (NIST contest – stronger algorithms)
  • Quantum cryptography (physical security of certain primitives, QKD, QRNG)
  • Significat strategic investments Connected to security

That’s why cibersecurity and quantum are highly connected. Abellán also listed some market opportunities in next years such as Data center security,high-performance computer, IoT networks and Aerospace, Defense and critical infraestructure.

Juan FernándezIntegrated Photonics Designer at VLC Photonics made a general introduction to Photonic Integration, and to Quantum Optics in his speech “Integrated Photonics for Quantum: silicon nitride platforms“. Fernandez pointed out that Quatum Integrated Photonics will be the key of the products of the future, and made a review of the key Hong-Ou-Mandel Effect and Quantum photonic building blocks in PICS and made a review of its advantages and disadvantages and its Applications.

For those who did not have the opportunity to attend, you can retrieve it in the following videos:

1. “A Quantum Industry Consortium for Europe” | Enrique Sánchez, Office Coordinator  Quantum Flagship (QCN) at Brussels

captura_Quantum Flagship

2. “Integratig QKD in Telco network infrastructure” | Victor LopezTechnology ExpertTelefónica

Captura Victor Lopez_telefonica

3. “Qilimanjaro: Quantum Computing services” | Pol Forn-Díaz, Co-founder of Qilimanjaro and Head of the quantum hardware team

Captura_Pol Forn Qilimanjaro

4. “Bringing quantum entropy to cybersecurity and computation” | Carlos AbellánCo-founder & CEO at Quside

Captura Carlos Abellan_Quside

5. “Integrated Photonics for Quantum: silicon nitride platforms” | Juan FernándezIntegrated Photonics Designer, VLC Photonics

Captura Juan Fernandez_VLC

You can also check the previous secpho webinars on our website and the Youtube Channel.

We look forward to seeing you at our next secpho webinar!

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