WINNing Days main results
Blues was an associated partner of the WINNing Days that took place the 2nd of February.
This event was organized in 3 mains phases:
• Conferences to give information of Horizon Europe, on the opportunities for water actors and on sharing knowledge on how to build a good proposal
• Working sessions to address the water challenge in a cross-border dimension
- WG#1 - Contaminant of emerging concern and antimicrobial resistance was moderated by Dominique DARMENDRAIL (BRGM)
- WG#2 - Using digital solutions for a 100% circular industry moderated by Johanna CASTEL (CAP Digital)
- WG#3 - Innovative water-related approaches for a climate resilient society moderated by Eric MINO (OIEau)
- WG#4 - Toward a sustainable agriculture with efficient water management and environment preservation moderated by Jeroen RIJNHART (CEW)
- WG#5 - Building resilient territories through the water-energy-food nexus moderated by Pieter DE JONG (Watercampus)
• B2B Meetings open for two weeks to meet potential partners and partners all around Europe
132 participants from 16 different countries (included 5 non-EU countries), registered to the WINNing Days: • 30% public authorities • 26% SMEs • 19% clusters • 15% University/R&D institution • 6% Large organizations • 4% others
The five working sessions was built on the same agenda:
- Opportunities to come with Horizon Europe
- Presentation of a challenge • Presentation of solutions
- Discussions will all the participants
The event invites 18 speakers & moderators including: 4 EU representatives, 3 SMEs/private organizations for the WINNing stories, 5 experts in EU projects, 3 representatives of the organization team, 1 representant of the Digital sector. And Mark Pattinson was the chief moderator!
During the event, Blues project was presented as an interested tool to foster collaborations through exchanges with potential partners in Europe. The BluesXchange was also promoted in the marketplace of the event.
Blues projet was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this [insert appropriate description, e.g. report, publication, conference, etc.] represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.