The 2nd PENELOPE Newsletter is out - wrapping 2023!

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 20 December 2023

Newsletter no 2_0

In our second newsletter, we are pleased to inform you about our work during the last six months, that was mainly focused on engaging the cluster community in a dialogue on gender equality, either through a large (possibly largest!) collection of good practices in relation to clusters and their members, as well interviews with relevant stakeholders.

Parallel research led to the elaboration of a practical tool-kit for gender mainstreaming to support the SMEs. All this will be packed into our PENELOPE HANDBOOK for gender equality training that will be published in January, so stay tuned!

Enjoy learning more about our activities by reading the newsletter no. 2 in attachment or here: and also attend the EU Clusters Talk on 10 January 2023 where we will present more details.


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2nd Newsletter of the PENELOPE Project 1.12 MB
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