6 collaborative innovation projects approved in the latest call for Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEI)

Submitted by Judith Marti on 18 December 2023

0921- Foto Noticia

Recently, the Packaging Cluster - entity that represents more than 140 companies in the packaging and packaging sector in Catalonia - will pull up to 6 project proposals for the call for public funding from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism , to support small and medium-sized companies in the process of competitive improvement with a Connected Industry model, through Innovative Business Groups (AEI).

This call has a budget of 54 million euros from the Next Generation funds and the General State Budgets. A few months ago, in the second call last year, 5 more initiatives were already awarded for the generation of innovation in small and medium-sized industrial companies: Bowser, Data – Driven Maintenance, Layertech, Petinject and Smart Battery Case. The cluster has obtained a favorable resolution for the SMARTENPAL, MADAM, PACKIMPACT 2.0, DUOM 2.0 and INDUREC4.0, SMART BATTERY CASE 2 projects, with a total budget of €1.3 M and a required aid of €1 M, where more have been involved of 35 companies and entities in the packaging sector and transversal industries.

Description of the projects presented:

+SMARTENPAL - Research on Intelligent Technologies for automation, monitoring and servitization for palletizing and wrapping - with a grant of €181,107.00. With the participation of: Infosa, Controlpack, Tepsis, Bertia, Pentamatik and the Packaging Cluster +MADAM – Automatic anomaly detection and error prevention model with Machine learning - with a subsidy of €219,438.00. With the participation of: Synaptik, Comexi, Dribia and Rotorprint.

+PACKIMPACT 2.0 - New platform to analyze the environmental impact of packaging and compare it with alternatives - with a grant of €178,316.00. With the participation of Aimplas, unedited, IFLEX, Comexi and the Packaging Cluster.

+DUOMO 2.0 - Digitization of logistics processes and inventory management with Smart Pressure Senso - with a subsidy of €257,022.00. With the participation of Akoma, Twentic, Rotimpres, Embeblue, Functional Print and the Packaging Cluster.

+INDUREC4.0 - Research for the traceability of the plastic packaging recycling process in the transition to industry 4.0.- with a grant of €138,601.00 with AEI Clúster Envase y Embalaje de la Comunidad Valenciana & AEI Packaging Clúster.

+SMARTBATTERYCASE2: Functionalization of materials for electromobilization. Industrial research project whose main objective is to develop digitalized and technologically advanced battery boxes for electric cargo drones - with a grant of €225,785. With the participation of Compoxi, Cooling Photonics, Rotimpres, CAT UAV, Packaging Cluster and MAV Cluster.

The projects are financed by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism through the support program for Innovative Business Groups (AEI), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises companies

Cluster organisation
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