AEC EUROCLUSTER call for proposals for Go international

DEADLINE: 30 August 2023

AEC EUROCLUSTER (ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION EUROCLUSTER FOR FUTURE BUILT ENVIRONMENT) - Euroclusters project open call Go international is to financially support AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) SMEs internationalization in order to establish business with non-European partners.

Eligible applicants

  • SME status according to EU definition (see here))
  • Registered in one of the EU27 Members states or country participating in the Single Market Programme. Check  the list of eligible SMP countries here.
  • Activities focused on one of the prescribed technical or industrial fields
  • Self-declaration: Company isn’t banned from EU funding and no support of any other EU programme was used to implement the respective activities.
  • Company must be registered at least 6 months before submission deadline.

Deadline model: Multiple cut-off

Call deadline: 30.8.2023, 30.12.2023, 30.1.2024, 30.4.2024, all at 17.00 Brussels time

Expected duration of participation: October 2023, February 2024, March 2024, June 2024

Total funding available: €40.000


Eligible proposals will be evaluated by 2 experts in the consortium from a country different from the one of the applicant. In case your application passed the first step eligibility check, the technical evaluation follows. For objective assessment we developed a basic scheme.

Go International evaluation criteria


  • Overall impact of project for company and AEC sector
  • Quality of exploitation plans and market potential.
  • Relevance of project to call objectives (digital and green transition & value chain resilience)

15 points max


  • Level of innovation and technological risks

5 points max

Company representation

  • Profile relevance (languages, position in company)

5 points max

Maximum total

25 points

Funding scheme, eligible activities

The Go International call aims to provide lump sum reimbursement for travel (transportation, accommodation, and event fees) incurred for attending selected trade fairs in Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Kenya in the form of a lump sum payment of 2.000 EUR per SME (max. 3 persons per SME can join the international mission).

Applications must be submitted prior to the event according to the timeline indicated in the Guide for Applicants. The expected result must be at least 10 B2B meetings with foreign partners during the mission.

Submission & evaluation process

Submission will be done exclusively by sending application by email to: aeceurocluster [at] (aeceurocluster[at]sgg[dot]si)

Evaluation period: 2 months before cut-off deadlines (see Guide for applicants)

Notification of funded proposals: according to the international mission selected (indicatively by 15.9.2023, 15.1.2024, 15.2.2024, 15.5.2024)

Agreement signature date: 30.9.2023, 30.1.2024, 29.2.2024, 30.5.2024

Expected starting date of the project: according to the international mission selected

Further information

The call text, Guide for Applicants, and application forms can be downloaded at AEC EUROCLUSTER coordinator`s website  More information can be requested by contacting project coordinator Vladimir Gumilar aeceurocluster [at], or other AEC EUROCLUSTER project partners. Contact details are in the Guide for applicants.

Euroclusters FSTP
Section Visibility
Construction Circular economy Cluster internationalisation
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