Centralised refrigeration saves energy in French ophthalmic company

Ophthalmic firm's sustainable vision
- Centralisation system eliminates cooling towers
- Optimised cold production and new technologies such as free-cooling
- Combined savings of € 49 887 yearly
Essilor International S.A. is a globally operating ophthalmic company headquartered in Charenton-le-Pont, on the southern edge of Paris. The company's management is committed to sustainable development principles, including reducing energy and water consumption. The company decided to modernise its refrigeration to boost capacity, and at the same time save energy and costs.
First, it commissioned a study of its cold production facilities and conducted a feasibility study to rationalise production. The recommendations focused attention on a single building where it was felt that the gains would be the highest.
Key results
The study advocated a centralised cooling network in the building. The number of refrigeration units was concentrated into four groups and power to these units was optimised accordingly. Energy consumption decreased from 629 to 270.6 MWh annually. Thanks to these changes, Essilor International saves € 49 887 yearly.
Agence de l'Environment et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (2011), 49 expemples de bonnes practiques énergétiques en entreprise, http://www.ademe.fr/sites/default/files/assets/documents/81458_fiches_b….