

Coming soon in February 2024

Theme : Export readiness and access the EU market

The  Cluster online academy aims to improve the ability of cluster organizations to develop forward-looking strategies and deliver quality services to their members, as well as to increase their business performance, innovation capacity and job creation. 

The course is offered to members of clusters benefiting from the Anima network, as well as to managers and members of concerned companies, spread across the Mediterranean – North Africa zone:  Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. 

Participants must also be registered on the ECCP platform.

Our team and partners are currently preparing the program. Subscribe to stay informed.

This event is implemented by ANIMA Investment Network and its partners as part of the  Euromed Clusters Forward. project.

About ECF

Euromed Clusters Forward is co-financed by the European Union to the tune of 90% for an overall budget of 7.8 million euros and steered by ANIMA until 2026 with the aim of strengthening clusters and their members in 7 southern Mediterranean countries, promoting inclusive innovation and competitiveness in the Euromed region in order to improve growth, economic diversification, sustainable development and employment. Berytech is the implementing partner in Lebanon.

To stay updated on the project, please check our website.

Cluster organisation
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