Support Programme


CYRKL - Exchange of secondary raw materials

All manufacturing industries Waste management and recycling
Industrial symbiosis
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Materials Waste
Where is this support available:
Czech Republic

CYRKL is an on-line platform – secondary raw materials exchange – that aims to help recover materials, which have already fulfilled their primary function, but are still utilizable and suitable for further processing.

The exchange enables companies and municipalities to offer or demand secondary materials on-line. Users can see in real time where the material is available and vice versa where it is needed. They can easily filter not only by type of material, but also by other criteria, such as distance, etc.

CYRKL is used primarily for plastics and construction materials, which are the most common types of waste generated; however, also other types of materials can be offered there – for instance: paper, metals, textile, wood, electric and electronic waste, and organic waste.