Support Programme


EDIT Value Tool

All sectors
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Energy Materials Water
Where is this support available:

'The Eco-Innovation and Implementation Tool for Increase of Enterprise Value' (EDIT Value Tool) is a comprehensive analysis that enables SMEs to identify and exploit opportunities for increasing resource efficiency in production process and products – for the benefit of economy and environment.

The goal of the analysis is to identify in SMEs the most effective opportunities for improving resource efficiency and overall sustainability performance within the given framework conditions (legislation, market prices and all other business aspects). It helps the SME to choose the most effective leverage points and feasible projects leading both to improved resource efficiency and the best allocation of its limited resources.

The focus of EDIT Value Tool is on both products and production processes (physical level of a company), management system (information level), and strategy and stakeholders (governing level).

Although enterprise staff can directly implement the methodology, its authors strongly recommend enlisting external assistance to launch EDIT Value within an enterprise, thus ensuring the performance review is independent. However, company staff should be involved as much as possible in the implementation because they are necessary partners in the dialogue, and they should benefit from the learning experience as a basis to continue the processes initiated by the first EDIT Value cycle.