The ENTRANCE Newsletter 16th Issue

Submitted by Tedora Aibu on 01 August 2023


At the beginning of August 2023, the ENTRANCE project released the 16th newsletter issue.

The topics covered in this issue are:

  • Upcoming events: Urban Mobility Days 2023 in Seville, Spain, 4-6 October: A must-attend event for networking and discussing sustainable urban mobility and transport trends. Also, don't miss the last Mobility Assembly in Regensburg, Germany, 28-29 September, offering engaging presentations and networking opportunities with mobility experts and decision-makers. Registration is open! The coming months of 2023 are packed with online training and stakeholder engagement activities.
  • Recent events: From learning to replicating: Innovative Urban Air Mobility solutions workshop outcomes; Zero emission urban road delivery vehicles market analysis and EIT Urban mobility Call for Proposals 2022-2024 online workshop outcomes; ARRIVAL – one pathway of collaboration for climate neutrality; Optimizing the interconnection between inland waterway transport and urban last mile logistics.
  • Call to action: EUR 420.1 million of funding is available for research and innovation projects and EUR 750 million is now available from CEF energy for energy infrastructure projects.
  • Recent news from ENTRANCE: We still have the free alternative finance consulting for sustainable mobility solutions offer open for applications - click here; Entrance Matchmaking Platform – “How to use it?”; Upcoming market analysis reports.
  • News about transport and mobility: Small autonomous cars as part of public transport in suburbs; Big data visualisation for cologne; Our world in data - river transport.

You can find the newsletter here.

Why subscribe to the ENTRANCE newsletter?

In our quarterly newsletter, we share the most important news related to reducing CO2 emissions in Europe that are caused by the transport sector. We also announce upcoming events: both physical and online. These events are great for networking and learning more about up-and-coming first-of-a-kind solutions in the transport and mobility sectors. Most of these events are free of charge. We also provide free access to informative materials and studies such as market analysis on innovative solutions for medium-and-heavy duty zero-emission vehicles for road freight transport.

- Newsletter subscription link:

- Access free resources on the ENTRANCE Matchmaking platform:

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