Support Programme


Environmental Innovation Programme

All sectors
financial support
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Energy Materials Water
Where is this support available:

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety in Germany funds industrial-scale pilot projects in key environmental sectors, such as climate protection and resource efficiency. These projects show how innovative technologies can be implemented to help reduce and prevent harm to the environment. The Environmental Innovation Programme focuses on projects well suited for demonstration purposes and hence for replication. The projects also lead to further refinement both of the technologies involved and of the environmental regulatory framework. 

Financial support: SMEs receive priority funding provided as reduced-interest bank loans refinanced by the KfW Banking Group (70 % of eligible costs), or investment grants (co-financed up to 30 %).

Credit period of subsidised loans: up to 30 years (first five years grace period).

Allocation: around € 13 million per year.