Hamburg pastry shop saves energy and boosts its bio-image

© Visions-AD, #159976778, 2017, source:


Sustainability Energy Carbon
Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco Wholesale and retail trade (exc. motor vehicles) Accommodation and food service activities
Investment cost:
High cost
High cost
Associated cost savings: Energy
Co2 emission reduction:
35 tonnes yearly
Size of company:
Small (less than 50)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Organic coffee, sustainable thinking... a bio-bonus

  • Pastry shop pursues a 'sustainable approach' on all levels: products, processes, principles
  • It introduced several energy-efficiency measures
  • Yearly energy savings of 62 000 KWh (€ 16 100 cost-benefit)

The German Caféhaus Langes is a well-established pastry shop and organic coffee roaster. The company is certified in the areas of environment and energy, and it only uses certified bio-reserve coffee. Sustainable  principles, including energy-efficient practicies and efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, are central to the shop's philosophy.

For example, it has implemented several energy-efficiency measures: 

  • Energy-saving heating pumps
  • Complete conversion of the lighting to LED
  • Presence and motion detectors 
  • Adapting work processes/practices
  • Peak load management

Key results

These measures generate energy savings of 62 000 kWh per year, which is a 56 % improvement leading to annual cost savings of € 16 100. The yearly CO2 emissions reduction is equivalent to around 35 tonnes. 

Deutsche Energie-Agentur, Preis: Energy Efficiency Award,….

Deutsche Energie-Agentur, Projekt: Konsequente Stromverbrauchssenkung in der Gastronomie,…


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