Heat recovery in ventilation system

- Heat recovery in ventilation system saves €32000 a year
- No need for a new installation
The German company Fischer Surface Technologies GmbH with about 110 employees is specialised in electroplating plastic components with, for example, layers of copper, nickel, chrome or special functional layers. Among others, the company processes components for the automotive industry.
Because of harmful vapours, good ventilation is essential in the electroplating industry. After consulting experts, the company explored the potential to boost energy efficiency by installing a waste-heat recovery process in the ventilation system.
There are several ways to install a heat-recovery system. In this case, it was only necessary to retrofit the old ventilation system instead of investing in a completely new one.
Key benefits
Based on the recommendations from the consultants, Fischer Surface Technologies implemented a so-called circulation composite system, which saves around € 32 000 per year. The company invested € 112 000 in the new system, so the amortisation is 3-4 years.
Effizienznetz Rheinland-Pfalz, FISCHER SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES, https://effnet.rlp.de/fileadmin/effnet/Praesentationsblaetter/Fischer.p…