HempClub ClusterXchange: Bioeconomy Exchange in the Wine Industry

Submitted by Sara Daniotti on 11 July 2023

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The HempClub project is an EU COSME project bringing together 7 clusters and associations operating in the the bioeconomy, advanced manufacturing and hemp production sectors to create interconnected and interregional supply chains between operators in primary production, agri-food processing and green chemistry in the hemp and bioeconomy sector. HempClub project works to unlock the potential of hemp by creating EU value chains for biobased applications and new business opportunities for primary producers and chemical companies.

Through mutual learning, and SMEs and other stakeholders’ mobility, HempCluB aims to unlock the biomass exploitation potential supporting the ClusterXchange scheme’s implementation. HempClub has already organised several Exchanges to facilitate transnational cooperation, peer learning, networking and innovation between actors of different industrial clusters and to share knowledge and commercial opportunities in the bioeconomy sector. 

The next Exchange will be held on September 19-20, 2023 in Zaragoza (Spain). The Bioeconomy Exchange in Wine Industry will be hosted by CAMPAG a non-profit business association made up of companies from the agricultural and livestock production sector in Aragon (Spain), as well as collaborating partners, organizations, and business entities in the sector, knowledge centers, and research institutes.

The Exchange Objectives will be:

  • Creating a collaborative network dedicated to improving research and supporting commercial growth in the wine industry's bio-economy area.
  • Facilitating improved collaboration and networking across EU bioeconomy value chain players in order to promote sustainable technologies and innovative solutions in the European wine business.
  • Organizing visits to local wineries that are actively applying bioeconomy-related methods, allowing for first-hand observation and exploration.
  • Facilitating the exchange of experiences, best practices, and cutting-edge solutions within the wine sector's bioeconomy market.
  • Acquiring a thorough understanding of the present situation of the bioeconomy market, including important stakeholders, active innovation research initiatives, and funded projects.
  • Identifying new sustainable business lines for the wine industry.

Click on the following link to register and to know more about the event and the programme: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/bioeconomy-exchange-in-the-wine-industry-sp…

Cluster organisation
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