Impact assessment of xBUILD-EU dissemination and communication

The impact assessment survey has been carried out near the Mid Term of the project, and the objective has been to understand the satisfaction about the services and communication received after the xBUILD-EU task implementation, and, most of all, about their perception of effective increase in the awareness of resilience opportunities, innovative products creation, digital and green uptake, perception on international opportunities, etc.
The survey results reveal a predominant participation from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). This detailed insight into the demographic composition of respondents provides valuable information for tailoring project strategies and initiatives to better cater to the specific needs and challenges faced by SMEs in the context of the project objectives.
The primary source of information about the project for a significant majority of participants was through cluster-related channels. The cluster information served as the main gateway for participants to become acquainted with the xBUILD-EU project.
Only a relatively small percentage, specifically 10.8% of participants, discovered information about xBUILD-EU through the project's LinkedIn page. This indicates that while the LinkedIn page played a role, it was not the primary channel for the majority of participants.
Regarding the impact of various project activities, participants expressed different preferences for certain initiatives. Webinars emerged as particularly influential, garnering interest from 67% of respondents.
Market studies also played a significant role, with 46% of participants expressing interest in their impact.
Additionally, the call for global vouchers, a funding mechanism or support program, attracted attention from 43% of participants, showcasing a notable interest in opportunities for financial or resource assistance.
The survey not only served as a diagnostic tool for current service performance but also as a strategic guide for shaping a more responsive and user-centric service framework in the near future.