Join the Women4Cyber Registry
Unlike many digital awareness initiatives for women which focus on the general ICT sector, ECSO’s Women4Cyber initiative targets the cybersecurity field.
It goes beyond awareness and networking and aims to develop a concrete agenda to meet the growing demand for cybersecurity professionals in Europe.
Key objectives of Women4Cyber are to:
Create more inclusiveness in cybersecurity
Support members
Develop solutions and resources for women considering, entering, or re-entering a career in cybersecurity
Since starting two years ago, the programme has already created an intricate European network of leaders, experts, professionals and students. Through the Women4Cyber channels, community members can exchange information, get business intelligence, find networking opportunities and training offers. The key focus is to link the outcomes to the relevant policies and strategies at an EU level to achieve tangible results for the inclusion and career advancement of women in cyber.
If you are interested in joining, find out more and register here.