Lively interest in Cluster Alley and Silicon Saxony at SEMICON Europa in Munich

Six cluster exchanges from Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Spain facilitated at SEMICON Europa and productronica in Munich through Silicon Saxony's European project EXCITE.
Meeting Saxony’s industry in Munich
In Saxony, Germany, about 80,000 employees are active in the microelectronics & ICT branch. They develop and manufacture integrated circuits (ICs), supply materials and equipment to the chip industry, produce and distribute electronic products or develop software. Saxony has a unique concentration of companies and research institutions in the sectors of microelectronics and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, organic & flexible electronics, energy-efficient systems, next generation communication, and smart systems. Every year, on the occasion of SEMICON Europa, part of that industry comes to Munich.
Three-day programme on semiconductor equipment, components, research & services
This year, Silicon Saxony supported European companies & clusters to meet with their 39 co-exhibitors and further 70 members at the fair. Next to these meetings, fair visitors had the chance to get to know Dutch exhibitors in company pitches at the Holland High Tech booth, and others e.g. NMI from the UK as well as players from Flanders, Belgium amongst other regions. On top of that, two networking events took place: the famous Silicon Saxony booth party and the Silicon Europe networking event where it was all about mingling and making new contacts for the participating visiting organisation and the companies within the cluster alley at SEMICON Europa 2023.
EXCITE aims to strengthen cluster management and facilitate exchange and strategic partnership between cluster staff and cluster members by using the ClusterXchange system. ClusterXchange is a new pilot project to promote short-term exchanges to better connect industrial ecosystems in Europe. The project will focus on skills, processes and services related to digital transformation - both in terms of the cluster organisation itself and its members, to be able to support them in successfully accessing global markets.
Your advantage as company, cluster or scale-up organisation: As a participant in the organised business delegations, you will not only get to know innovative regions, take part in renowned events and individual B2B meetings free of charge, but also receive financial support to offset your travel costs.
Project Duration: 01.02.2022 – 31.01.2024
Project partners:
- Silicon Saxony (Project Coordinator)
- Cluster for Digital Transformation and Innovations
- Business Hive Vilnius Cluster
- GAIA.-Association of Knowledge and Applied Technologies industries in the Basque Country
- Mazovia Cluster ICT
- Pôle SCS