Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation second application phase now open!

DEADLINE: 10 September 2021

Are you a European SME finding innovative solutions in the water and energy sectors?

The EU Techbridge project matches innovative European SMEs with North American based end-users or corporate buyers.

Through an intensive matchmaking programme, challenges from North American corporate buyers will be matched with innovative solutions from European SMEs. One of the main goals of the project is to organise 5 match-making missions from Europe to Canada and the United States.

Present your solution

EU SMEs now have the opportunity to apply for a 1:1 meeting with Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation (LASAN) to present their energy and water-related solutions.

LASAN is looking for ideas in:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Brine (reverse osmosis concentrate) – could it become a valuable resource?
  • Excess wet weather flows – could your technology be relevant?
  • Direct potable reuse of clean water – could your technology be relevant?

Following the first application that closed in July, a second cut-off has now opened. The new deadline is 10 September.

Apply here.

Renewable Energies Climate innovation
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