Support Programme


Programme 'Energy Savings'

All sectors
financial support
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Where is this support available:
Czech Republic

The Energy Savings programme offers SMEs and large businesses interest-free loans to finance their energy-saving projects anywhere in the Czech Republic outside of the capital city of Prague. The projects have to bring at least 10 % energy savings, and can include building insulation, changing lighting, replacing boilers, installing energy regulators, using waste heat or renewable energy sources, etc.

Loans are provided up to 90 % of the eligible expenses, ranging from CZK 500 000 to 60 million. The loans have a ten-year maturity with the option of postponing principal repayments for up to four years. In order to benefit from the preferential loans, a company must cofinance the project (take out a commercial loan) with one of the cooperating financial institutions, at a minimum of 20 % of eligible project expenditure.

In addition to this form of support, entrepreneurs can also get an interest rate subsidy on a commercial loan, up to CZK 1.5 million, and a financial contribution to pay for an energy audit, up to CZK 250 000.