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Since 2019, the Cluster Centre in Ireland has set out to provide support cluster development through networking opportunities and building relationships between clusters and policy makers. 

On 13 January at 10 am, the Centre is organising an online event called ‘Regional Competitiveness in the 21st Century’ for clusters and their members.  

Speakers for this event will be: 

  • James Wilson, Research Director at Orkestra, will present an analysis of a 40-year history of competitiveness in the Basque Country. 

  • Karen Coughlan, EU Projects Officer, will present the recently published Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region of Ireland. This strategic regional development framework sets out an ambition for Southern Ireland to become one of the most Creative & Innovative, Greenest and Liveable regions in Europe. 

The trainings and events from the Cluster Center are specifically aimed at serving cluster managers, cluster boards, the policy system, governments and research and development institutions. 

Don’t miss out! 

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