RESIST Training Open Call
The RESIST ( REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry ) – Euroclusters project
Explanation of the call and its objectives
The goal of the RESIST (REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry) Euroclusters project open-call is to provide financial support to European SMEs, start-ups and/or mid-cap companies working in the Mobility, Transport and Automotive ecosystem (MTA) so they can participate in training activities.
The financial support will be up to €750 per SME with a total available budget of €15,000.
Eligible Criteria
The beneficiaries of this Open Call are European SMEs, start-ups and very small businesses from the Automotive-Transport-Mobility ecosystem.
An SME will be considered as such if it complies with the European Commission’s Recommendation 2003/361/EC. As a summary, the criteria defining an SME are:
- Headcount in Annual Working Unit (AWU) less than 250;
- Annual turnover less or equal to €50 million OR annual balance sheet total less or equal to €43 million.
For detailed information, check the EU recommendation:
There are no pre-conditions for MOOCs for the training anymore.
Call duration
From 20 November 2023 to 30 November 2024
There will be 6 cut-off dates for the submission of proposals:
- 8th of December 2023
- 8th of March 2024
- 8th of May 2024
- 8th of September 2024
- 8th of November 2024
- 20th of December 2024
This means that if an applicant submits their application after the cut-off date, their application will be evaluated for the second cut-off date. Maximum number of awarded proposals per cut-off: up to 8 applications maximum will be selected after each cut-off.
Relevant or necessary links.:
Submission of your proposal has to be done in the Submission platform page:…
Euroclusters FSTP