Support Programme


SME Initiative Energy Transition and Climate Protection

All sectors
Networking, Training
Target group:
Where is this support available:
  • Support for German SMEs to improve their energy efficiency while remaining competitive
  • Savings in energy costs occur as investments pay off with a high internal rate of return and short payback period

The SME Initiative Energy Transition and Climate Protection (Mittelstandsinitiative Energiewende und Klimaschutz) is helping the German SME sector by supporting the implementation of the energy transition triggered by the German government.

The SME Initiative has the objective to help SMEs in improving their energy efficiency and target their energy saving potential while at the same time ensuring their competitiveness. SMEs are considered important actors for the energy transition as they are pioneering and driving development. However, they are the most exposed to risks of security of supply and rising prices of energy and thus require specific support.

The initiative has three main focus: Strengthening the local dialogue; Optimising information and consultation; Improving education, training and exchange of experience. Thus, SMEs have the opportunity to engage dialogue with the Initiative’s stakeholders, to benefit from local contacts as well as receiving trainings and information and concrete assistance in the process of becoming more energy efficient.

The Initiative expects to generate savings in energy costs, which is already happening as many investment in energy-saving already paid off with a high internal rate of return and/or a short payback period, and to improve and strengthen the leading position of German companies in the field of environmental and energy technologies.