Webinar: Circular Economy

Starting from the premise that climate change is the worst consequence of the non-sustainability of human activity, and that this is mainly due to energy consumption, this presentation focuses on the discussion of energy consumption during the life of composite materials. From the energy embedded in fibers and matrices and their processing, to the energy involved in the different possibilities leading to their circularity (reuse, repurpose or recycling).
The introduction of more sustainable composites (i.e. bio-based) must overcome some important technological barriers, such as guaranteeing structural integrity despite their variability in properties. The presentation also suggests some paradigm shifts in design, since if sustainability is not improved, the use of composite materials will inevitably be limited by future environmental regulations.
Save the date 18th March 2024!
Time: 11.00-12.00 am CET
Hosted by Clúster de Materials Avançats de Catalunya (MAV)
Speaker: Josep Costa Balanzat, AMADE research group (Analysis and Advanced Materials for Structural Design) from the University of Girona.
Participation in the webinar is free of charge! Register now!
Prior registration is required at the link: https://amulet-h2020.eu/webinar-circular-economy-2/