
You are invited to attend the webinar "Introduction to European taxonomy: learn about the proposals of the TEG (Technical expert group on sustainable finance) " with invited speakers:

Helena Viñes Fiestas, Deputy Head of Sustainability, BNP Paribas AM, and member of the TEG, 

Paolo Canfora, Joint Research Center of the European Commission, 

José Luis Blasco, Global Director of Sustainability, Acciona, and member of the TEG.

Topics of discussions:

- What exactly is European taxonomy? - Who and how does it affect? - What are the implications for investments in different sectors of the economy, such as energy, transport or construction? - Should stimulus packages have green conditionality using the taxonomy as a reference or not? - What are the main steps companies should take when applying the taxonomy?

Discussion and Question Time.

Supported by Real Insituto Elcano.

The webinar will be held in Spanish language.

Registration link for the webinar is available here

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