Steel-related skills

By: Nina Hoppmann
Created: 21 May 2020 - 12:05
Updated: 21 May 2020 - 12:05

Which skills will be needed in the steel sector in the future? The study “European vision on steel-related skills and supporting actions to solve the skills gap today and tomorrow in Europe”, conducted from EASME and research collaborators, collects comprehensive knowledge on the current situation of the steel workforce with regards to skills availability and shortages as well as providing a state-of-play description of the different national education and training systems in seven European countries.

Additionally, the study provides insight into jobseekers’ perceptions of careers in the steel industry, suggesting which biases and challenges may affect their choice to take up such a career. Based on the research findings, the study proposes a series of recommendations on actions that can support skills development in the steel sector and increase the attractiveness of the steel industry among talented jobseekers. 

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