EU Mapping of Technology Centres in Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 27 September 2017

Do you know Technology Centres active in Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)?
Are they included in the EU mapping of KETs Technology Centres?
If not, please invite them to apply by clicking on

1. What are the goals of this mapping?

The mapping makes it easier to find technology centres across Europe. 

It describes the centres, their activities and the details of the SME contact person(s). 

Expected users include clusters, regional development agencies, EEN members, technology centres and SMEs.

The mapping aims at promoting collaboration between Technology Centres in Europe.

It aims at facilitating SMEs' access to technology services across Europe. 

It is a basis to inform policy makers and activities (like the Call Innosup-3-2017).

DG GROW coordinates this work with the work by DG CNECT on Digital Innovation Hubs.

2. What are the benefits for Technology Centres in the mapping?

Technology Centres in the mapping will enhance their visibility. 

They will invited to promote their success stories with SMEs via our WATIFY campaign.

The promotion campaign for the mapping, including social media and events, take places in autumn 2017. 

3. What are the criteria?

Please advise Technology Centres to check the criteria before applying. 

Criteria are explained on the mapping webpage, below the map: 

Contact and helpdesk
KETsTechnologyCentresTeam [at] 

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flyer for KETs technology centres.pdf 695.13 KB
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