Launch of the EU-JAPAN Regional Cooperation Helpdesk
The EU-Japan Centre is pleased to announce that CEEJA (European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace) in Europe together with the Prefectures of Gifu and Iwate in Japan will develop the EU-Japan Regional Cooperation helpdesk. The helpdesk will put together a platform mobilising the maximum number (if not all) European regions and clusters and Japanese Prefectures and clusters. The objective is promote cooperation in terms of industry, trade, investment, innovation, tourism, and people mobility. Such cooperation will be bilateral between European and Japanese stakeholders, but it may also include EU with Japan jointly operating vis-à-vis third countries, e.g. in Africa and South East Asia. The organisers of the helpdesk (CEEJA, Gifu and Iwate Prefectures) have a rich experience of cooperation and many contacts on both side. This will be beneficial to put in place the helpdesk for presenting appropriate information (existing tools, funding, instruments) and opportunity for finding European and Japanese partners to establish new regional cooperation and reinforcing existing ones. The EU-Japan Centre invites all regions and clusters (and network of clusters) in Europe and all Prefectures and clusters in Japan to contact CEEJA to become members of the EU-Japan Regional Cooperation Platform, and benefit from the helpdesk.
Contact: Virginie Fermaud ejrc [at] (ejrc[at]outlook[dot]fr)
The news was published on EU-JAPAN News issue of October, 2019.