Challenges of European SMEs on internationalisation in the Silver Economy

Submitted by Pedro Roseiro on 17 February 2019

ICT4SILVER project within the framework of the INTERREG SUDOE program carried out by 9 European partners - Agence de Développement et d'innovation de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine (FR), Autonom'Lab (FR), Home Care Lab (ES), KIMbcn (ES), Tecnalia (ES), GAIA (ES), TICE.PT (PT), Cluster TIC SANTE Nouvelle-Aquitaine (FR) and IPCA (PT) - is carrying out a survey to better understand challenges that SME face while going international with ICT products and services to the Silver Economy. It's also this survey's objective identify possible overcomes to support SME on their endeavour. ICT4SILVER aims mainly to define a methodology to stimulate the development of relevant digital technologies to the Silver Economy market and to encourage the replication and sustainability of the ICT4SILVER model to other industrial sectors and to other territorial challenges major market challenges for SUDOE. We antecipately thank you for promoting the survey (Survey) among your members and ask for their participation until the 22ndFebruary.

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