Digital transformation

Community News

Sibiu Innovation Days 2024

Experts of the European Commission, academic members and specialists of the IT industry will join the 5th edition of Sibiu Innovation Days, taking place between the 24-25th of October in Sibiu, Romania. Participants will explore the emerging technologies: the drivers for digital transformation in...

Community News

As Summer Fades Away, We Remind You of the Forthcoming Cluster Competitiveness Summer School

There is only a few days to go before the start of Cluster Competitiveness Summer School on 30 September 2024. Whether you would like to update your own knowledge of the topics or introduce your colleagues to the approach and methodology, all are welcome. The Theme - This year we are focusing on the...


METASTARS Open Call for Prizes

METASTARS Eurocluster will reward SMEs from the Aerospace and Defence (ASD) sector who have made the best efforts to become more resilient and to adapt to the challenges of the green and digital transition. Winning SMEs shall demonstrate they have assessed the challenges faced by the company...


Call for Proposal - Open Source Experience Event

The French Competitiveness Cluster Systematic Paris Region is organizing the 3 rd Open Source Experience Event. It will take place on 6 and 7 December in Paris. For the third edition of this unmissable European event, we have decided to focus on IT security. Every day in this field, the news shows...

HIGHFIVE launches it's first open call for innovation projects

The HIGHFIVE Open Call for Innovation Projects brings together clusters with a background in food processing industry, digital solution (ICT) providers and process technology providers. It strengthens current and develops new cross-sectoral industrial value chains within the food production and...
Community News

EU Project ACCELERATE GDT officially kicks off in Cork

Munster Technological University and associate Partner the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment of Ireland, hosted representatives from 7 partners for the o fficial launch of the Interreg Europe funded project ACCELERATE GDT on the 27th and 28th of April. The purpose of ACCELERATE GDT is...
Community News

Join our first ADMA TranS4MErs xChange Event on April 27, 2023!

You are invited! We hereby invite everyone to participate in our ADMA TranS4MErs xChange online event on April 27th from 10:00am - 12:30pm [Note: the event will be held primarily in German]. This event serves to spread awareness among SMEs on how to become a Factoy of the Future and what kind of...
Community News

Life Science digital maturity - where do we go from here?

Life science as a field is changing rapidly. Where the natural sciences, pharmacy, and medicine played a large role in the past, engineering, data management, and interfaces have become increasingly important. From the wet lab bench to the virtual in silico environment, both experiments and analysis...
Community News

Join us for SuperEcosystem's European Week of Regions and Cities Side Event!

Theme: “How ecosystems and clusters integrate green and digital transition” When: Friday October 28, 2022 9:00-17:00 EEST (Lakeland Dinner 19:00-21:00 EEST). See the invitation for session times. Where: Hybrid – Zoom and on site at Savonia University of Applied Science’s Kuopio Campus (“Campus Heart...
Community News

The FIAD 2 project, a new comprehensive smart manufacturing solution, reaches its final stretch

Technological experts from Madrid, Catalonia and Navarra investigate the integration of new technologies in SMEs to reinforce the national strategy to support Industry 4.0 Gráficas Larrad has been the setting chosen for the testing of the new integrated solution with which to monitor and automate...
Best practices

Additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing includes many technologies, like 3D-printing, rapid prototyping, direct digital manufacturing, layered manufacturing, and additive fabrication. They all have one main thing in common; the addition of material layer by layer. Typically, apart from the additive manufacturing...