Smart Specialisation


New survey: Help shape the Future of Smart Specialisation Strategies in Europe!

Help shape the Future of Smart Specialisation Strategies in Europe! Prognos AG, in collaboration with CSIL, has launched an online survey for a study commissioned by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). The purpose of the survey is to collect...

Community News

DEBUTING - what is it all about?

DEBUTING is a project co-funded by the Interreg Europe programme, starting on 1 March 2023 and ending in May 2027. Ten European regions are represented in the project by policy authorities and public actors aiming to work together on making SMEs more sustainable and competitive by supporting them to...
Community News

The Smart Specialization Platform for Food and Packaging is born to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable food packaging

The Packaging Cluster joins the Smart Specialization Platform, made up of 22 clusters from 11 different European countries The European Commission has approved the Smart Specialisation Platform for Food and Packaging with the Packaging Cluster as a member. This association initiated by Pack4Food...